Alber, Ciudad de México, 1962

Obras y series de Alber


Alber, a multidisciplinary artist from Mexico City, has accumulated more than three decades of experience in the art world. His passion for creative expression has led him to explore various disciplines, and a deep connection to Mexican culture and identity marks his career.

His canvas creations capture key elements of Mexico's rich heritage, conveying the essence of his country through colors, symbols, and intricate shapes. Each work is a tribute to the history and soul of Mexico.

Also as a muralist, this artist has left his mark on the streets and urban spaces. His skills in creating murals and lettering have brought walls and facades to life, adding a touch of authenticity and color to the city. These works evoke the visual heritage and the aesthetic tradition of the country.

Este artista multidisciplinario es un testigo viviente de la evolución artística y cultural de México. Su enfoque en murales, rotulación y creaciones en lienzo le ha permitido capturar y transmitir la esencia vibrante de su país.

A través de su estilo expresionista y su exploración del paisajismo de playa, logra conectarse con la belleza natural y la riqueza cultural de México.
